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The Church in Ocean Park

changes lives and helps create a more equitable community.

Your time and your finances help create this interfaith community that is dedicated to social justice.

The Church in Ocean Park is here because people like you support it.

There are 3 ways to provide vital financial support:


  1. TEXT-TO-GIVE Text "$" + amount to 833-931-1844. Follow the link in the reply to complete the process in minutes.

  2. WEBSITE via button below or

  3. MAIL Checks made out to "The Church in Ocean Park" to 235 Hill St., Santa Monica, CA 90405

  4. PLANNED GIFTS Join CIOP's Legacy Society by naming The Church in Ocean Park in your estate plans and ensure that local work for social justice endures. Please email us if you have any questions! Please let us know that you've made this arrangement so we can welcome you to the Legacy Committee!

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