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The Church in Ocean Park Makes a Difference

People get to The Church in Ocean Park in a variety of ways. Some come as a result of the Queer Prom, some are lured in by the Singing and some witness our work against anti black racism. Some have heard our pastor speak at an event calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and others have been supported and educated in our Encouragement Group. Some come to be in a place where neurodiverse people are appreciated and children are given space to create and explore and learn peaceful living. People come in through many doors, but to all of them and more, The Church in Ocean Park matters.  


If CIOP matters to you, please let us know. There are many ways to do that. Here are 2:


  1. Record a 1 or 2 minute video of yourself telling us why CIOP matters to you.

  2. Make a pledge to let us know how much you intend to give during 2024. This pledge is only an intent, we know that our life can change and the amount may need to change. But this intent can help us plan what we might be able to do this year. Our finances are at an all time low right now, due to COVID and focusing our giving on replacing our ceiling. We really need people to step up this year.


We encourage you to pledge if you can. If you pledged last year, we encourage you to pledge a little more this year if you can. Click on this link for more information: Pledge Form 2024


--From your 2024 Pledge Team

Photos courtesy of Joe Gerda

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