Contact Us: 310.399.1631
235 Hill Street, Santa Monica
Built on a progressive past, forging a just and inclusive future. Hosted by the United Methodist Church
Leadership Opportunities at The Church in Ocean Park!
It's Nominations Time!
Would you like to work with some awesome, creative people to help create positive change? What do you feel passionately about: and what strengths and/or experience do you have that might be helpful?
The Nominations/ Lay Leadership Committee is looking for
some new leaders for 2023.
We invite YOU
to consider your skills and your passions and
the needs of The Church in Ocean Park.
If you would consider being a part of any of the CIOP leadership teams, please let us know. We will discuss it with you. If it feels like a fit, we will add you to the slate. Then, at our Annual Meeting on December 1 at 11am by zoom, we will vote the new leaders in. New leaders take their roles on January 1, 2023. We'd love to have you!
We have governance committees and program committees.
If you are drawn to a certain area, please let us know.
For more information about Leadership opportunities,
contact the CIOP office at