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JOIN The Church in Ocean Park Community

this Sunday IN PERSON!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

10:15am PT

Drumming Circle
with John Fitzgerald

John Fitzgerald is a percussionist, drum circle facilitator, and a certified Village Music Circle Global trainer. He has led enlivening rhythm experiences in over 12 countries for more than 20 years and has trained hundreds of drum circle facilitators. His rhythm experiences facilitate self-expression, wellbeing, and celebration while deepening connections to each participants’ essential wisdom and spirit, and to one another.


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With Reverend Janet Gallery McKeithen,  Music Director Louise Dobbs and Dr. Kim Harris

at The Church in Ocean Park, 235 Hill Street, Santa Monica CA 90405

Also available on Zoom!

Zoom link:


Check us out on YouTube

Our newly updated YouTube Channel now has videos of our Zoom Sunday Services

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Now more than ever, CIOP is committed to building community & saving lives.

So that we may continue to support & connect our beloved community. 

please consider donating securely & easily via:

  1. Text-to-give option {Text "$" + amount to 833-931-1844}. Follow the link in the reply to complete the process in minutes.

  2. Give+ App

  3. Our website via button below

  4. PLANNED GIFTS Join CIOP's Legacy Society by naming The Church in Ocean Park in your estate plans and ensure that local work for social justice endures. Please email us if you have any questions! Please let us know that you've made this arrangement so we can welcome you to the Legacy Committee!


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Sunday, September 22, 2024 


Autumnal Equinox (Mabon)

-with Dian Michelle 


It is a neopagan festival of thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth and a recognition of the need to share them to secure the blessings of the Goddess and the Gods during the coming winter months. The festival is generally considered to be a feast-centered holiday.



About Dian Michelle

In 1984, Michelle formed the Goils, a group of three singers in World War II uniforms who emulate The Andrews Sisters but include jazz, swing, and popular tunes in their repertoire. The group has appeared on the Queen Mary in Long Beach, spent one year as resident performers at Las Vegas' New York, New York, and toured Japan four times.

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Everyone is welcome, no matter your culture, ethnicity, creed, religion affiliation or non-affiliation, no matter your ability, where you are from, where you are headed, LGBTQ+welcome, all ages, etc. THE CIRCLE IS MEANT TO EXPAND.

© 2016 THE Church In Ocean Park. Proudly created by Ayanna

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